2014年2月10日 星期一

Single and Unmarried Americans As Family and Community Members

Single and Unmarried Americans As Family and Community Members

Naomi Gerstel, Ph.D.
Professor of Sociology
University of Massachusetts

Unmarried and singles' week celebrates the lives of many Americans. In 2010, this group included 99.6 million people -- close to half (43.6 percent) of U.S. residents 18 and older. Over their life course, many more people will move in and out of this group.

The single and unmarried are a diverse group: Some have not yet married but will eventually do so. Some are divorced or widowed. And some have chosen to live their entire lives single. Some live alone. Some cohabit with a romantic partner. 16.4 million are aged 65 and older, 11.7 million are parents. Though gays and lesbians can now get married in six states, most of the couples living in the 591,300 same-sex households reported to the census are unmarried.

All too often, single and unmarried Americans are ignored when it comes to discussing family issues, especially if they do not have children. Work-family issues are typically thought to be irrelevant to them. The unmarried are typically portrayed as unencumbered by family obligations, or even as self-centered individuals who do not help out in the community the way married couples do. But the facts reveal quite a different story.

·         Adult unmarried children are more likely to provide practical assistance to their parents than their married siblings. It is unmarried women who are mostly likely to assist their mothers and fathers. While 68 percent of married women give help to their parents, 84 percent of the never married provide such care. And while just 38 percent of married men help out their parents, 67 percent of never married men do.
·         At all educational and income levels, unmarried individuals not only have more friends than their married counterparts but give these friends more care, both practical and emotional. They also visit with their neighbors and help them out more than the married.
·         The unmarried spend more time helping out their siblings than the married, often playing important roles in the lives of their brothers and sisters as well as their nieces and nephews. And unmarried individuals account for three out of every ten grandparents who are the primary care-givers for their grandchildren.
·         Research refutes the myth that unmarried males are especially disconnected from family ties. Married women talk on the phone to their parents and siblings less often than those who never got married, or who left or lost a husband. But the difference in phone talk is especially dramatic for men. While many husbands rely on wives to call their relatives, men without wives make the connection themselves.
·         Married people volunteer more than unmarried, in part because they volunteer in activities their children are involved in and in part because they volunteer more for religious groups. But more than 20 percent of unmarried Americans do volunteer, and in 2005 their estimated volunteer hours came to nearly 900 million hours of service. The top activities were mentoring, teaching, and coaching other people's children, fundraising for charities, and distributing or serving food.  It's also worth remembering that about one-third of the firefighters who died serving their community on 9/11 were unmarried.
·         In important ways, the unmarried are more likely than the married to be politically engaged:  Comparing women with the same level of education,never-married are more likely than  wives to sign petitions and participate in political gatherings.

2014年2月9日 星期日

in a married world, singles struggle for attention 單身男女:龐大卻弱勢的人群

in a married world, singles struggle for attention by tara tarker-pope 



這是一個你可能並不知道的9月份節日:全美未婚及單身人士周(National Unmarried and Single Americans Week)。 但「節日」一詞可能並不確切。社會科學家及研究者說,美國單身者面臨的困境帶來了日益增長的焦慮。 根據美國人口調查局(Census Bureau)提供的數據,大約有一億美國人未婚,接近成年人口的一半——他們往往會被那些更有益於已婚夫婦的政策所忽視,像是家庭休假法以及較低的保險費率等。

這種全國性的不公平是同性戀人士為了婚姻權而鬥爭的原因之一,但現在有些研究者關心的是,婚姻平等運動把單身人士排除在了外面。 「異性戀及同性戀團體都在極力推崇婚姻,本質上就是在假定,如果你不結婚的話,那你肯定有什麼地方出了問題,」 娜奧米·格斯特爾(Naomi Gerstel)說。她是馬薩諸塞大學(University of Massachusetts)阿默斯特分校的社會學家,發表了不少比較已婚和未婚人士情況的論文。

「但是人口總數中有很大一部分都是未婚的,單身人口也會只增不減。與此同時,所有的全國性運動都是在力爭向已婚人士提供福利,忽略了單身人士的利益。」 就像她和其他專家提出的那樣,單身人士對社區的貢獻往往更大——因為一旦人們結婚,就會更傾向於把他們的精力與注意力都放到伴侶和自己的小家庭上,而非友情、社群關係以及大家族中。

在現代家庭理事會(Council on Contemporary Families)於本周發表的報告中,格斯特爾博士指出,68%的已婚女性向他們的父母提供實際性或日常性的幫助,而在從未結過婚的女性中這個比例為84%。只有38%的已婚男性會幫助他們的父母,而有67%從未結過婚的未婚男性會這麼做。甚至連那些有孩子的單身人士對小家庭外部社會的貢獻都比已婚人群要大。

「無論有沒有小孩,單身人士都更加關心照顧他人,」格斯特爾博士說,「隔絕人們的並不是生兒育女,而是婚姻。」 未婚人士與兄弟姐妹以及甥侄之間的聯繫也更為緊密。已婚人士中有較大的比例,會在子女們的活動中熱心做志願者,而未婚人士則往往與社區整體關係更近。在每五個未婚者中,就有一位會參加像教育、訓練別人的子女,為慈善團體籌款,分發或配送食物這樣的志願工作。 格斯特爾博士表示,未婚人士更喜歡去鄰居家串門。從未結過婚的女性要比已婚女性更有可能簽署請願書以及參加政治集會。 未婚人群的人口一直在變化,而且一生中單身的時間比結婚時間長的美國人數目也在增加。有些人一輩子不結婚,其他目前單身的成年人相較他們的上一輩人,把步入婚姻的時間延後了許多。許多人因為離婚或者喪偶而恢復單身。在所有未婚成年人中,大約有六分之一的人為65歲及以上;有接近八分之一的未婚者已為人父母。 對女人來說,要結婚的壓力尤其大。

一項由密蘇里大學(University of Missouri)與德克薩斯理工大學(Texas Tech University)的研究人員在2009年聯合發表的報告名為《我是一個失敗者,我沒有結婚,大家都看看我吧》(I』m a Loser, I』m Not Married, Let』s Just All Look at Me.)。研究者們對一群三十多歲的中產階級女性進行了32次採訪,她們都對自己從未結過婚的事實感到恥辱。 「這些女性無論是在事業還是生活中都非常成功,但她們幾乎全都對沒結婚這件事感覺很難過,就好像她們為此讓誰失望了一樣,」勞倫斯·加農(Lawrence Ganong)說,他是密蘇里大學人類發展與家庭研究的主席。 「如果某個人單身得很愉快,我們應該給予同樣的支持,」他說。 貝拉·德保羅(Bella DePaulo)是加州大學聖巴巴拉分校(University of California, Santa Barbara)的心理學客座教授,她認為對單身人群的歧視是僅存的幾種被廣為接受的偏見之一,並為其取了一個專有名詞——單身歧視(Singlism)。她也把這個詞用在了她的新書書名上:《單身歧視:定義、重要性及如何阻止》(Singlism: What It Is, Why It Matters and How to Stop It.)。

德保羅博士拿家庭與醫療休假法(Family and Medical Leave Act)為例來說明。因為她是單身,也沒有孩子,所以如果她生病了,沒有人能在法律的支持下請假來照顧她。她也不能請假去照顧她的兄弟姐妹、甥侄或者好朋友。 現代家庭理事會研究的主管斯蒂芬妮·孔茨(Stephanie Coontz)說,政策制定者經常忽略單身人士的需要,因為他們的視野都基於他們自己所成長的環境,太過時了。

在她最新著作《奇異思潮的萌生:20世紀60年代初<女性的奧秘>一書對美國女性的影響》(A Strange Stirring: The Feminine Mystique in American Women at the Dawn of the 1960s)中,孔茨表示,在過去,單身的人們經常被認為是「離經叛道」、「神經質」以及「自私」。 「我們的確有這樣的傾向,認為結婚的人有些特別之處,他們能夠支撐社群與家庭前行,」她說,「我覺得,把單身人士對我們社群發展也很重要這件事指出來,是非常重要的。」